by Don Loos
From: biggovernment.comWho runs our government? It may be hard to tell when looking at Wisconsin and Indiana. But, in New Jersey, the state’s SEIU firefighters’ union, New Jersey State Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent Association (FMBA), President Bill Lavin appears to think that forced-unionism power has given him complete control over New Jersey firefighters on and off the job.New Jersey State Firemen’s Mutual Benevolent Association (FMBA) President Bill Lavin "DO NOT EXPECT HELP FROM THE FMBA EVER AGAIN IF YOU DON'T ATTEND THIS RALLY"
Ocean City Fire and Rescue Services Captain James P. Smith sent, at taxpayer expense, the verified e-mail below demanding that firefighters attend a union political rally on Thursday, March 3rd at 11:00 a.m. His e-mail manifests the tyrannical power that monopoly bargaining power over government employees creates for union bosses:
The legislators in Wisconsin have left their State because they support their working class. We need to show our legislators that we care about our benefits. If we don’t show up, why the hell should they care about our benefits? A paltry turnout does not help President Lavin to stand up as our leader. If our numbers are small then the legislators will chuckle at us.This rally is MANDATORY for all members. To quote President Lavin “I expect EVERYONE of our members to be in attendance. The only excuse is that you are on duty in the firehouse or that you’re in the hospital!!! Your second job is not a valid excuse!!!”President Lavin was strong in his message “YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED IF YOU DO NOT ATTEND” and he was adamant when he stated “DO NOT EXPECT HELP FROM THE FMBA EVER AGAIN IF YOU DON’T ATTEND THIS RALLY!!!”Allow me to repeat how strong President Lavin feels about your attendance at this rally next Thursday. … “DO NOT EXPECT HELP FROM THE FMBA EVER AGAIN IF YOU DON’T ATTEND THIS RALLY!!!”
Smith closes with this warning and chiding:
We will take attendance on Thursday to see which locals are present and which locals can expect assistance in the future. Turnout coats are suggested to be worn, this makes our presence look even larger, helmets are optional. I don’t need to hear excuses on why people aren’t attending … tell them to man up and be there.
Smith’s e-mail illustrates the problems of government employee monopoly-bargaining and forced-unionism; and the fiefdoms it creates for these union officials, Lavin and Smith. Hopefully someone will check to see if they use any taxpayer-funded union time to attend this rally and demand a refund.
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