September 30, 2011
By Penny Starr
( – President Barack Obama will speak on Saturday at the Human Right Campaignʼs (HRC) annual dinner in Washington, D.C. – the HRC is a pro-homosexual lobbying group that, among things, is promoting a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender-inclusive curricula for children in elementary school.
The HRC Web site states that the organization works for “equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.” These efforts include the “Welcoming Schools” program, which outlines how U.S. public schools should adopt policies to be LGBT inclusive, starting in elementary school.
The HRCʼs description of “What Welcoming Schools Offer” states, in part, the following: “Curriculum must be LGBT inclusive starting in elementary school for the following reasons: “Students learn more effectively when they see themselves reflected in the curriculum “Pressure to conform to gender roles can limit social and academic development “Name-calling and bullying have a negative impact on academic outcomes.
“From children's first years in school, when classes often take ʻthe familyʼ as their curricular focus, right through high school, there are many moments when LGBT issues are appropriate and relevant to the curriculum. For example, lesbian and gay authors and historical figures can be included in English and history classes; and the LGBT movement, itself, can be germane to civics and social studies courses.
Students stand to gain significant advantages in those schools that have LGBT inclusive curriculum.”
President Obama last spoke at the HRCʼs national dinner in 2009. An announcement of Obamaʼs appearance on HRCʼs Web site said that this Saturdayʼs event will be streamed live online.
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